
Free online workshop with Fundapromat, Panama

Wednesday, 1st of February 2023 (to be confirmed) The mission of the Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT) is ‚to change the world’s perception so that one and all can experience mathematics as accessible, relevant and inherently joyous.‘ In this workshop, parents and teachers will be learning about the imagination in Let’s …

Free online workshop with Fundapromat, Panama Weiterlesen »

let's visit numberland barbara schindelhauer training free material resources

Buenos días, México!

Buenos días, México! A Numberland teacher training for the German international schools in Mexico City Where language matters even more – Second of five days of Numberland training at the Colegio Alemán Alexander von Humboldt in Mexico City. The teachers are as committed as the children. What a great chance also to try new things. …

Buenos días, México! Weiterlesen »

HOLA Número 5! Teacher training at international school in Guatemala on Numbers AND German

(Feb 2019) The Instituto Austriaco Guatemalteco in Guatemala City faces the challenge to prepare mostly Spanish speaking children for the bilingual curriculum. Barbara Schindelhauer was invited to provide a hands-on training to the German and Spanish team, as well as guests from other institutions. A major part were fieldtrips to Numberland with the children: Purely …

HOLA Número 5! Teacher training at international school in Guatemala on Numbers AND German Weiterlesen »

Erasmus+ project ‚CLIL Bilingual Education A StepAhead‘

(Sept 2016) During this Erasmus+ project institutions in Poland, Romania, Greece, and Turkey had shared and developed ideas on how children can acquire English while exploring topics. ‚Let’s visit Numberland‘ proved to be a highly appreciated tool. Barbara Schindelhauer presented the concept on the final conference in Lodz/Poland and enjoyed the hospitality of Kindergarten 206 in Lodz, …

Erasmus+ project ‚CLIL Bilingual Education A StepAhead‘ Weiterlesen »